This probably stems from the early years of orchid cultivation

For more information on growing and cultivating orchids please go to OrchidGeeks. While it is difficult to grow orchids from seed it requires a specialized growing medium and 3-4 years worth of patience once mature, most orchids are as easy to care for as any other houseplant and easier than most. They may grow on bark, sphagnum moss, cork plaques or in gravel or charcoal. A small fan or an open window will provide enough air flow to keep them happy.WateringThe best wholesale grow tent factory rule of thumb is to mist plants every few days with distilled water, and only water when the potting medium is nearly dry.And these are just a few tips to get you started growing beautiful orchids in your home. In midsummer or in southern states, many orchids may require some protection from the bright sun.LightA sunny windowsill is a good place for your orchids. In winter or in northern states, natural sunlight may need to be supplemented with gro-lights or other fluorescent lights to ensure that your orchids get enough light. This probably stems from the early years of orchid cultivation when orchids imported from the tropics died so frequently in English greenhouses that botanist John Lindley referred to England as a cemetery for Air is an often overlooked necessity for orchids.Orchids have an undeserved reputation for being difficult to grow and wholesale cmh 630W care for in the home.Growing MediumMost orchids are epiphytic that is, they take their nutrients from the air. Because there are so many varieties of orchids, its important to consult an orchid book or follow the plants watering directions. With very rare exceptions, do NOT pot orchids in potting soil. Watch leaves for signs of sunburn or lack of light and adjust accordingly. Because most orchids take their nutrients directly from the air, they do best when there is a steady, constant stream of air around them

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